A thoughtful African American man sits at a modern corporate desk in an office, dressed in a black t-shirt and khaki pants. He gazes into the distance, contemplating a vision of a majestic mountain range with a glowing blue diamond light at the peak. A royal blue backpack rests beside him on the floor, ready for an adventure. The office environment contrasts with the ethereal glow of the mountain scene, symbolizing the man's reflection on a journey or purpose beyond his current reality. The soft and warm lighting in the office complements the serene yet inspiring atmosphere.

Feeling Lost in Your Career? It’s Time to Find Your True North

September 04, 20245 min read

Ever feel like you’re drifting through your career, like a ship lost at sea with no compass? You’re not alone. Many people reach a point where the daily grind leaves them feeling unfulfilled, even if they’ve achieved what they once thought was success. If you’re reading this and nodding along, it might be time to embark on a journey to find your True North—a journey that could lead you to a life and career filled with purpose and passion.

Imagine your career as a complex map, full of winding paths and uncharted territories. Without a clear destination in mind, it’s easy to get lost, making decisions that take you further from where you truly want to be. This is where a purpose coach comes in, serving as your guide to help you discover your True North—the direction that aligns with your deepest values and passions. In this blog post, we’ll explore how purpose coaching can help you navigate your way out of career confusion and into a life of fulfillment.

Woman with a compass

1. Understanding the Importance of True North: Why Does It Matter?

Feeling stuck in your career often comes from losing sight of your True North. But what exactly is this True North? Simply put, it’s your guiding star—the core set of values, passions, and purpose that steer you towards a fulfilling career and life.

When you’re aligned with your True North, your career choices feel meaningful, your work energizes you, and you have a clear sense of direction. A study by Deloitte found that 88% of employees believe that a distinct workplace culture is important to business success. This shows that people are increasingly valuing alignment between personal purpose and professional life.

Tip: Start by reflecting on what truly matters to you. What are your core values? What activities make you lose track of time because you’re so engaged? These clues can point you towards your True North.

2. The Role of a Purpose Coach: Your Guide to Self-Discovery

Navigating your career without knowing your True North can feel like stumbling in the dark. A purpose coach is like a lighthouse in this situation—providing the light and guidance you need to find your way.

A purpose coach works with you to identify your strengths, passions, and values, and helps you see how these elements can translate into a fulfilling career. Oprah Winfrey once said, "Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you." This energy is what a purpose coach helps you tap into.

Tip: When choosing a purpose coach, look for someone whose values resonate with yours and who has a proven track record in helping others find their purpose.

3. Overcoming Career Fear and Doubt: Breaking the Chains

A woman with long blonde hair, dressed in outdoor gear, stands on a mountain path overlooking a serene lake surrounded by majestic mountains. She holds a compass and a map, symbolizing navigation and purpose. The scene is set at dawn, with the sun's rays illuminating the mountain peak, which is crowned with a glowing blue light. The quote "We are limited, not by our abilities, but by our vision" by Khalil Gibran is overlaid on the image, reflecting the theme of limitless potential. The DNA True North logo is positioned at the bottom right corner, reinforcing the brand's message of guiding individuals towards their true purpose.

Fear and doubt are the twin anchors that keep you from sailing towards your True North. “What if I fail?” or “What if this isn’t the right path?” are common fears that hold people back. But staying in a career that drains you is the real failure.

Purpose coaching empowers you to break these chains by helping you build confidence in your decisions. According to a study by the International Coaching Federation, 80% of people who receive coaching report increased self-confidence. This boost is crucial in overcoming the fear that keeps you stuck.

Tip: Challenge your fears by reframing them as opportunities for growth. What’s the worst that could happen if you pursued a career aligned with your purpose? Compare that to the cost of staying where you are.

4. Aligning Career with Purpose: The Roadmap to Fulfillment

Once you’ve identified your True North, the next step is aligning your career with it. This alignment might mean changing jobs, pursuing a new field, or even starting your own business. The key is to ensure that your daily work reflects your values and passions.

A Gallup study revealed that only 34% of U.S. employees are engaged at work. This statistic underscores the importance of finding work that resonates with you on a deeper level. Purpose coaching provides you with the roadmap to make this alignment possible.

Tip: Create a vision board or journal your ideal career scenario. What does it look like? How does it make you feel? Use this vision as your roadmap.

5. Taking the First Step: Actionable Strategies to Begin Your Journey

The journey to finding your True North starts with a single step, but that step can feel daunting. Purpose coaches help you break down this journey into manageable actions, making it easier to start and stay on track.

Remember, this isn’t a race. It’s a marathon that requires patience, persistence, and the right guidance. As Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be." A purpose coach helps you decide and take action towards becoming that person.

Tip: Set small, achievable goals each week that bring you closer to your True North. Celebrate these wins, no matter how small, to maintain momentum.

Conclusion: Setting Sail Towards Your True North

The feeling of being lost and unfulfilled in your career isn’t just a phase; it’s a sign that you’re not aligned with your True North. But you don’t have to navigate these stormy waters alone. A purpose coach can be your guide, helping you uncover your passions, align your career with your core values, and overcome the fears that hold you back.

So, if you’re ready to leave the driftwood behind and sail with purpose, now is the time to act. Your True North is waiting to guide you towards a career—and a life—of fulfillment. Take that first step today, and you might just find that the journey itself is as rewarding as the destination.

Click here to see our DNA True North Purpose Coaching options!

A thoughtful young woman in her mid-30s sits at a modern corporate desk in an office, dressed in a black t-shirt and khaki pants. She gazes contemplatively into the distance, with a majestic mountain range appearing behind her as a vision. The mountain's peak is illuminated by a glowing blue light, symbolizing a calling or purpose beyond her current reality. A royal blue backpack, ready for an adventure, is placed on the chair beside her. The scene contrasts her present corporate environment with the inspiring vision of exploration and personal growth.

Meet Lindy de Wet, a dynamic purpose coach with a passion for personal growth and diverse pursuits. From Industrial Engineering to coaching, Lindy’s journey reflects her insatiable thirst for knowledge and dedication to empowering others. As a nature enthusiast, devoted mother, and resilient partner, she embodies love, optimism, and boundless potential. Join Lindy in unlocking your true purpose and living a fulfilled life. #PurposeCoach #PersonalGrowth #Empowerment

Lindy de Wet

Meet Lindy de Wet, a dynamic purpose coach with a passion for personal growth and diverse pursuits. From Industrial Engineering to coaching, Lindy’s journey reflects her insatiable thirst for knowledge and dedication to empowering others. As a nature enthusiast, devoted mother, and resilient partner, she embodies love, optimism, and boundless potential. Join Lindy in unlocking your true purpose and living a fulfilled life. #PurposeCoach #PersonalGrowth #Empowerment

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